the Visit

What to expect...

When Scheduling

for all of our services

Prior to the visit, the birthing mother will be added to an electronic health record system where there will be a consent form and a new patient packet to complete. Based on the information received, the visit will be tailored towards the mom and baby’s needs. We will cover some breastfeeding basics, assess the current breastfeeding relationship, and help with positioning, latching, supply issues, and/or pumping questions. Remember, that not every visit looks the same, and not all areas may be covered if they are not deemed necessary. See some examples below.

Weight Check

Basic Weight Check

Ashley brings a scale to every visit and can check your baby’s weight. Baby will be in a clean diaper and weighed on a Tanita infant scale. 

Weighted Feed

A weighted feed can be performed as well. This can give Ashley another data point on how your baby is doing at the breast and how your milk supply looks. 

For a weighted feed, Ashley will have you get your baby in only a diaper (clean), and she will weigh them. After that, she will work with you on breastfeeding, whether this is latching, positioning, etc. Then, after the feed is complete, Ashley will weigh your baby again and will be able to tell you how much breastmilk your baby took from the breast. 

Oral Exam

Visual Exam

Seeing what the facial structure, mouth and tongue look like can be the first clue that there may be something orally going on with your infant

Tongue Range of Motion

Ashley can assess your baby’s mouth to check their suck and palette. This can help to evaluate better for other techniques to use for latching. 

Tethered Oral Ties

As an IBCLC, Ashley cannot officially diagnose your infant with a tongue, lip, or cheek tie. However, she is fully educated in what they look like, how they function, and exercises and stretches that can be used to help. She also has a list of providers that can officially diagnose and revise if necessary. 

Question Time!

Breastfeeding Basics

Many families come with a list of questions regarding breastfeeding and Ashley is prepared to answer those to the best of her ability.

Newborn Questions

As part of the education that Ashley received during her IBCLC training and doula training, Ashley is versed in newborn milestones and development. 

Pumping and Bottle Feeding

Ashley can also work with families on pumping and bottle feeding questions.