How Does Breastmilk Differ from Formula?

How does breastmilk differ from formula?

As a breastfeeding mom and a lactation consultant I have heard both “breast is best” and “fed is best” saying in (almost) daily life, but what is the actual difference between breastmilk and formula? Are they comparable? Can formula contain every nutrient that breastmilk contains?


When it comes to breastmilk and formula, there are six different parts that are the same. This includes water, protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Outside of these six basic components, breastmilk includes 12 additional components. Check out this amazing graphic from Lactation University!

“Outside of the six essential components that are found in breastmilk and formula, breastmilk contains an additional 12 components.”

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